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‘We are born lovers’ is a memoir by Mahek Valecha depicting how childhood forms the base of an individual’s personality. She has very scientifically described some amazing and unique life formulas which are so commonly used however, never been given a deep thought.

Offering the readers a thinking platform with a broader range of perspective on childhood learning, imbibing discipline and yearning for attention, the author talks about emotions in the most methodical way with innate technicalities. ‘Passion’ is an emotion and a driving force which is considered as the fuel to success. We use this term so often to energize kids, youth and even adults. Countless inspiring phrases are quoted to ignite the inner spark and get people to come out with their best potential. One such example quote is ‘People with great passion can make the impossible happen’. Very true, however, what is never spoken about is finding the right passion when a kid is exposed to so many choices. While choice is a human right and a privilege, it may also create confusion and turbulence in mind.

Not always, we so easily recognize our passion and what really drives us. Mahek Valecha has attempted to communicate an aspect which brings out the challenges and complexities faced by the youth. There would be stages in your life when you find yourself passionate about multiple things or nothing and that’s a confusing phase. She has brilliantly pointed out that being in this phase is totally ok. Being passionate about something is not a necessity. It does not define a person’s conviction or competency. What is critical is to understand oneself and follow the heart. Passion is a phenomenon and the willingness to take pains for what we love and this emotion is influenced by a lot of factors. It could be the upbringing environment, childhood wisdom, culture, school, friends or even individual brain cells. Every individual is different and so are their thoughts, opinions, preferences and passion. Likewise, men and women are differently wired and so are there competencies, skills and choices. It is unfair to compare one person to another or expect everyone to have that one passion burning inside defining their spirit.

The book also includes theories like Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Bloom Taxonomy, Lutmus test, Law of Attraction and Ted Talks. These scientific theories tend to explain the concept with high accuracy and a logical approach. One such illustration mentioned is not to confuse your hobby to passion. There is a vast difference between them. And if this difference is not recognized then we may end up taking incorrect decisions. Lastly, the author mentions a very important and scholarly argument of the importance of education in outshining personalities and passion of kids. She mentions the urgency of changing the Indian education curriculum and inclusion of lessons on overall happiness and personality development. Taking example of how Bhutan measures its growth not by GDP (Gross Domestic Product) but by Gross National Happiness Index (GNH), this brilliant and applaudable outlook would mesmerize the readers.

Summing up the book, the author brings out a very heart touching and thoughtful message – what is the trouble having a mediocre thinking and not-so-passionate life as long as you are happy? We need to stop waiting for all the signals to turn green. Take out your car and get going. Life is a journey to be enjoyed and cherished.


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