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कथा साहित्य में नई राह बनाता 'चौराहा'
किसी लेखक की पहली पुस्तक उसके लिए खास होती ही है। लेकिन एम एम अरमान साहब का कहानी संग्रह 'चौराहा' इसलिए खास नहीं है कि यह उनकी पहली किताब...

Ultimate Happiness Mastery in 5 simple steps
This book will help you become happy and explain the step-by-step process to enhance Happiness and keep it with you permanently It has a...

Economics of Defence and Budgetary Reforms by Major General (Dr) Pritam Bishnoi, VSM
At INR 4,78,195.62 crores, the Ministry of Defence’s budget estimate for FY 2021-2022 rose by a nominal 1.4%; though in light of the...

Inside Hell of Hidden Cyber - World by Dr (Prof) Nishakant Ojha Major General (Dr) Pritam Bishnoi
The expanding number and recurrence of recent data breaches have demonstrated that Indian organizations across all areas are vulnerable...

More Active Citizens for Fitter and Healthier India by Major General (Dr) Pritam Bishnoi, VSM
This book ‘More Active Citizens for Fitter and Healthier India’ provides an action plan to make India free of the avoidable burden of...

Men’s Rights are Human Rights Too: A manifesto
The Men's Rights Manifesto of Newsofx[.]com falls under the premise of equal justice for all, men and women alike, but in which case it...

Parenteening Made Simple: 7 Principles that unlock 'Positive Teenage Parenting – Author Hema Vinod
Teacher, International Educationist, humanitarian with the UN, Life/ Parenting Coach and Parenting Author. Here is her story: I grew up...

Wisdom Droplets - Author Nitin Garg
It gives me immense pleasure to share that I have recently completed writing my first book - Wisdom Droplets : Inspiring Stories to...

Colours of Life
Emotions are the most important and widely recognizable part of our lives. They are just like colours; some are more sombre, and some are...

Love You – An Interactive book on Self-Leadership
THE SEARCH OF THE UNKNOWN Hey, This book contains self-mastery secrets that can change your life and the environment you live in. 5 Level...

Life on Track is a philosophical doze on self-development and productive changes we need in today’s monotonous and hectic life. It talks...

Believe Your Story
A young beautiful boy and his friends fight against an evil dark man who is also a wizard or a magician and aims to get immortal. This...

His Encounter with Love
Emotions are the biggest drive and core of human life which not only decides but also drives every action and choice we make. Atanu Sinha...

The Courage to love
Love is the best feeling that can happen to anyone. Roshan Horo has painted the various angels and shadows of this erupting emotion felt...

Have a Story Sketch in Mind – Make an Outline
“It’s the first blank page of the 365 page book you are to begin. Write a mind-blowing one”. Writing a book can be tough but this can be...

Storyize Your Message
The title ‘Storyize your Message’ is descriptive enough to denote the crux of the book that storyizing the message or sharing stories can...

Career Accelerator Formula
Career Accelerator is an empowering Formula shared by Deepa Chandrasekaran who strongly believes that every individual can be a ‘leader’...

LIFE ON TRACK - Abhishek Majithia
Life on Track is a philosophical doze on self-development and productive changes we need in today’s monotonous and hectic life. It talks...

Five Gifts that shaped my life
This is a book which can get you nostalgic and take you back in the memory lanes of the mischiefs, innocence and little joys of childhood...

Tales: Collection of 5 Short Stories - Arjun Kakru
The Collection of 5 Short Stories by Arjun Kakru is an assortment of his vivid imaginations and distinctive intellect. He has not just...

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