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Tales: Collection of 5 Short Stories - Arjun Kakru

The Collection of 5 Short Stories by Arjun Kakru is an assortment of his vivid imaginations and distinctive intellect. He has not just displayed his unique writing style and out of the box thinking but has also set an example for the rest of the world that age is just a number.

At the tender age of 12, he has exhibited such a vibrant and confident style with impressive articulation which is awe inspiring and enthralling. The book includes five short stories which are entirely non identical and intricately artistic. Arjun Kakru has created a unique mirage with the simplest of the characters which is applaudable and trend setting.

Every story comes with a startling moral in the most quirky way. The first story is about winning lottery in a desert and how this takes the character through some life changing circumstances. This story reflects life and death situations and how human kind can find ways to survive in any situation.

The second story is the most relatable and astounding where the author has focused on the Hindu God – Hanuman and the monkey tribe. He has taken their personality and has very dramatically conveyed the message that God is our biggest friend and supporter. He may not be treated as a super natural power and feared about.

The third story portrays character of a Ninja whose amazing sword skills is used to protect and fight the negatives. The power of building skills and using them at the right time is the key in the story.

The fourth is again a very adventurous and visionary tale about vultures and eagles. The author talks about their struggles, enmity, team work and group bonding which is critical for their survival.

The last tale is one with a lot of turns and twists where the hostages in the bank assist the criminal in escaping from the cops. The hostage uses his spontaneous and instinctive wisdom and ensures that all the captives are unharmed and the criminal leaves with no damage to any property or human. What an amazing thought and creation.

The book features characters and situations which may not seem normal and practical. However, with his diction style, Arjun has created a visionary and imaginary world for the readers. Drawing similarities with these uncommon characters with some learning’s of life he has put forward a strong step in to the world of fiction.

Overall, this book is a fantastic read for kids with dollops of imagination, creativity, surprises, turns and twists. Usage of some majestic characters like Hanuman, vultures and eagles or even the Ninja sword warrior is fueling the power and zenith of originality.

The author has brilliantly proved that everyone holds the creative buds in their brain cells.  Everything around us has a story and we can make a story out of everything. The most powerful tool human being beholds is the power to imagine and this power and talent can influence and change the world.

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